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"I create unique experiences that astonish, engage and entertain."

The mind is a wonderful thing, and that is where Stephen loves to experiment – inside the mind. Perhaps, inside your mind.

Using influence, psychology, misdirection, people-reading, elements of hypnosis and NLP, along with engaging showmanship, Stephen creates a one-of-a-kind experience that borders somewhere between the possible and impossible. Mind-reading, experiments in influence, a prediction that defies logic – these things will makes you question what the human mind is truly capable of. These are just a few of the events that audiences enjoy when they witness Stephen Chollet’s programs.

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Storytelling and entertainment are deeply ingrained in Stephen's history. He is an Emmy Award-winning storyteller; corporate speaker; a marketing and branding professional; actor and singer; and of course – a mentalist. His love for theater and performing began at the age of seven when he took the stage in his first musical, The Music Man. He went on to perform in several more musicals, dramatic productions, magic shows, and played guitar for several bands in the coming decades. Stephen has since combined his love of performance with psychology, storytelling, and entrepreneurship to create one-of-a-kind performances and programs that engage and entertain. 

Stephen’s study of mentalism, the psychology of influence, and people reading led him to research ways to use these skills in the corporate environment. The result? Faster learning, memorable takeaways, and entertainment like you wouldn’t believe.

His work in storytelling, entertainment, and speaking has taken him all over the world, six continents so far, and connected him with iconic brands, businesses and people from all walks of life.

When Stephen isn’t reading minds, he is most likely spending time with his wife (the one mind he can’t read), raising his three children, riding a bicycle, playing guitar, or drinking coffee while studying an obscure book in a local coffee shop in Chico, California.

As Stephen says, “Remember to think happy thoughts, you never know who is listening.”